About ProCaption
ProCaption was founded for one reason: to make transcription and captioning services available at a reasonable price.
Unfortunately, much of the captioning industry has taken advantage of the FCC mandate that all broadcasts must contain closed captions, by charging extremely high rates for a service that, in recent years, has actually become less expensive to provide due to advances in technology. With more than 13 years of experience in the production of broadcast television, much of which was for non-profit and ministry clients with limited budgets, we have long awaited a more cost-effective solution to captioning. And after one-too-many outrageous quotes, we finally got tired of waiting and decided to serve our clients by creating the solution they needed: ProCaption
>> How We Do It
We offer the same state-of-the-art captioning capabilities available from better-known national companies, but at a fraction of the price. We are able to offer our extremely affordable long-form rates by combining the expediency of real-time transcription with the latest advances in speech recognition technology and algorithms specially developed to parse and synchronize captions in an offline environment. We still offer exact transcription and full-manual synchronization of captions for ALL short-form spots and longer projects where 100% accuracy is critical, but our captioning clients have been very pleased with the high accuracy rate of our real-time, computer-assisted process. Our process pairs an experienced Transcriber and Caption Editor (the human kind) with the most advanced software in the industry, achieving an average accuracy rate that is even higher than that of the real-time, live captioning process relied upon for sports and news.
>> Christian Captioning
ProCaption was founded with the specific intent of making transcription and closed captioning services more affordable for those who’s Message is of the utmost importance. While we caption all kinds of content, our heart is in providing Christian ministries with the tools they need to achieve both outreach and stewardship. LEARN MORE about our Christian captioning.