Closed Caption Encoding
We have been encoding media for more than a decade!
In-House Closed Caption Encoding
You can rest assured that our experienced team will be meticulous in ensuring that your media comes out the other end looking and sounding as good as it went in – captions and all.
We read and write virtually every file format, including preferred broadcast formats, and we even support broadcast video servers including Harris Nexio, Omneon, SeaChange, Avid Airstream, and more!
One Program > Multiple Screens
These days every project is destined for multiple platforms and screens, from Television, to the web, to mobile. Beyond closed caption encoding, we offer multi-format encoding, file duplication, and multi-destination delivery to ensure that once we get your media, all your screens get fed!
File-Based Workflows
Now the standard of the broadcast industry, if you haven’t already made the move to file-based delivery, we can help you design a workflow that will optimize quality and minimize down-time.
Encoding can be one of the trickier aspects of the captioning process, as that is where quality is either preserved or lost. Too many times we’ve seen post facilities and broadcasters overlook something when converting or transcoding a file, resulting in some distortion of the original media. As far as we’re concerned, that isn’t acceptable. You don’t have to sacrifice quality to add captions! Not all formats support closed captions. We know which formats to use and how to preserve your original quality throughout the process.
You’ll find our audio and video encoding to be free of artifacts and interlacing errors, and on top of that, we’re even pretty good at managing file size.
For more information about closed caption encoding or to verify supported file formats, just drop us an email or give us a call.
We’ll be happy to assist you!
See our Encoding Prices